hello 大家好
去送了김정훈 (金楨勛)
他是很帥啦 超王子的 很有禮貌 人很好 IQ149耶
對不對 是不是 有沒有
看了他 真的有個衝動想叫他daniel
看了他 我這幾天的心情都一直圍繞daniel
能不能 能不能 快點啊
哦 有一點要提的 김정훈(金楨勛)的鞋子會不會有點太高啊
我們有拍下來 下次如果記得給你們看吧
哈哈 我知道 我們很坏
超可愛的 因爲他們都圓圓的 哈哈!!
星期四 我和steph去看了一個音樂會
看了音樂會 突然很想念華樂
好像再表演哦 哈哈
我們超激動的 因爲我們很懶惰
剩餘的我也不想多講了 哈哈
昨天我又去了city hall
所以我們陪她去吃晚餐 嗯嗯
但我們好像有點遲 所以沒看到完整的好戲
哈哈 生日快樂!!!
this monday i have just saw mr kim jeong hoon
yep... mr daniel's long lost twin??
oh my they are damn freaking alike can
i really feel like calling KJH "daniel!!!"
and i suddenly realise that both of them have this weird habit of pouting
what's with all the pouting and weird expression with the mouth
are they sure they are not related at all??
and that left me a very daniel mood for the past few days
emo-ing and thinking all about the past
can he faster come?? bleh
oh..and i saw a group of kawaii sumono at the airport too
haha they are really cute in trandition japanese clothes
round round^^
maybe it is just such a unusual sight in singapore
that's why we are so high to see them LOL
today we went to sitong's birthday party
it is a surprise for her
and we spent a long time to find her house(really wulu)
i love the candles her friends put up for her in house man
nice atmosphere!!
so for the past few days
i went for a farewell dinner as siowying are going back malaysia
and also a christmas musical in esplanade
those performers are really great
and i miss CO so much now
well i did enjoy that day =)
but halfway through the musical we recieve the news that
56 is in singapore
haha you can imagine our reaction then
and there goes their super duper cartoon trip in singapore
. .
. . .
they arrive in singapore by the 11.15 a.m flight
after that..
they start playing their usual hide-n-seek game again
they go oriental mandarin
wait for all the fans to come out of the car
and they drive of again
they drop off mr belated birthday boy
erm...31 . . .birthday man i guess..
ya wadever...
and he went off with his own friends
so cartoon right
so when all those fans come out of the car again
he's gone
so people this time went to meritus mandarin
where they just drive there one round for nothing
and when mr hair dropping consistently/the one i like
saw fans standing at the traffic junction as their van went pass
and they cannot do anything
he start laughing like hell
so damn mean right
bad bad bad =p
then they went to chinatown to eat chicken noodles
that's a small coffeeshop without any special room
so all the fans also eat there together with them
after eating..
they drive to sentosa
just go in one round and came out
then they went vivo
this time.. mr daddy come out alone with 3 female staff
and mr hair dropping consistenly n mr fat baby
stay in the car and sleep!!!!
they come singapore to sleep...very good =.='''
then mr daddy went where??
wth...he come vivo then go gaint
yup..he went there to buy some food n cooking ingredients
chicken rice chili n chicken rice soup base(for cooking chicken rice)
milo etc
and the staff wasn't sure of what to recommend
so in the end it was the fans who tell mr daddy which are better
mr daddy is damn sweet
he went to zara
someone who always spent so much to buy for himself
now looking for zara kids instead
again..the staff dunno that zara kids is inside
so they told him that maybe vivo don't have zara kids
so the fans help out again by telling them it is inside
so mr daddy went in to buy clothings for his dear cutie
he keep looking at a gold long sleeve cardigan
taking it down n put back repeatedly
saying dunno it will be to mature for his lele a not
in the end he still bought it
but according to those who are there
that cardigan is seriously ugly n old fashion!
then he also bought a cute little dress for his dear daughter
oh man..being a daddy is really different
so sweet~~~~
after that the staff wanna buy starbucks bottle
so they asked mr daddy can they go buy
of cuz he agreed
so there left him and the fans
so it is chatting time!!
then mr daddy suddenly tell the fans beside him that
he wanna reach the car before the staff
and ask the fans to lead him
so he start to walk faster faster n faster
almost start to run already LOL
then when he reach the car
he look around and said "wow, i really reach before them ye"
what a cute n funny daddy
so the conculsion is that lucky there are fans with them that day
if not mr daddy will not be able to buy what he want and might be even lost??
then they went back to airport and bought a lot of pandan cake
yep their green cake
before the take cathy flight and left singapore
that's a very very very cartoon trip right??
i wish i was there
- Dec 23 Sun 2007 04:30
金楨勛 5566(超搞笑)新加坡之行 /思彤的生日/音樂會